
15 SEP

New biotechnological method gives hope for treatment of AMD

Special substances extracted from seaweed using enzymes have been shown in laboratory tests to have a protective effect against the eye disease AMD.

Biotechnology Health technology
01 MAY

Early warning test for coronavirus

Researchers to develop skin prick test to detect coronavirus before patients fall ill with COVID-19 and to identify at-risk patients.

Viruses Enzymes and proteins Biotechnology Health and diseases
22 APR

DTU researchers produce enzymes needed for corona tests

In a very short amount of time, researchers at DTU have succeeded in producing enzymes that are used in corona tests.

Viruses Enzymes and proteins Synthetic biology Fermentation Genes and genomes Health and diseases
25 MAR

Devices for rapid diagnosis of coronavirus under development

DTU and Statens Serum Institut are developing three new and rapid instruments for on-site diagnosis of coronavirus. Two of them are scheduled to be ready for emergency...

Biotechnology Health technology Nanoparticles
27 FEB

Cancer researcher receives EliteForsk prize

Professor Sine Reker Hadrup is honoured with one of this year's EliteForsk prizes for her immunotherapy research. At the same time, three PhD students from DTU are awarded...

Cells Health and diseases Catalysis
12 FEB

Scientists detect diseases based on proteins in single cells

Researchers from DTU are the first in Europe to share results on mapping proteins on a single-cell level using Mass Spectrometry-based proteomics

Biotechnology Enzymes and proteins Innovation and product development Health and diseases
10 FEB

Student paves the way for a new generation of spider antivenom

Using an innovative method, MSc student Sofie Føns has taken the first step towards developing the world’s first spider antivenom based on human antibodies.

Biotechnology Health technology
13 DEC

DTU receives grant for advanced research equipment

The Novo Nordisk Foundation awards grants worth DKK 75 million for research infrastructures. Three of the six grants were awarded to DTU researchers.

Biotechnology Chemistry Health technology
Foto: Mikal Schlosser
03 DEC

Drug delivery: Only 2 mm determines whether medicine is absorbed

With nano- and microcapsules, we are able to swallow medication that is usually injected, enabling it to be targeted at a specific body part. But how far have researchers...

Cells Nanoparticles Nanomedicine
19 NOV

DKK 18,5 million for independent research

The Independent Research Fund Denmark grants DKK 208 million to 35 young researchers with original ideas and high ambitions. Three are from DTU.

Electronics Optics Nanoparticles Cells Biological systems Nanomedicine Health and diseases